We will always do our best to make sure your item is delivered on time. Damaged Item : It is unlikely that any item will be damaged in transit but if it does please follow the notes below.
When you receive your item please check the packaging for damage and if you find that there is damage, sign the item as damaged or refuse to sign for the item and ask the courier to return it to us as it has been damaged in transit. We also invite customers to pick items up if they prefer. All parts will be marked. It is the customer's responsibility to make sure that they order the correct part. (excluding the Scottish Highlands & Northern Ireland).
AB, FK17-99, G83, IV1-28, IV30-39, IV52-54, IV63, KW1-14, PA21-33, PA34-40, PH18-26, PH30, PH31-41, PH49-50. HS1-9, IV40-51, IV55-56, KA27-28, KW15-17, PA20, PA41-49, PA60-78, PH42-44, ZE1-3.